ecocabinets is exited to present to you a new product to treat all timber surfaces with. it is called Rubio Monocoat and it quite revolutionary. absolutely zero VOC, just one coat needed as it is neither penetrating nor skin forming but rather creates a molecular bind with the first few microns of the timber surface, Read More …
close to home and very exiting. love the thinking that goes in to these projects. trend seems to be battery energy storage on a smaller and smaller scale. can’t wait to invest in mine with my immediate neighbours.
Is it Possible to Have an Eco-Friendly Christmas?
Once those Christmas songs start playing in shops and the party invites start rolling in, then it’s official; the festive season has begun. It’s a chaotic time of year, and there’s often a lot to do, from gift wrapping to installing kitchen cabinets to ensure you’ve got enough space for the big food shop. However, as Read More …
9 Ways You Can Be More Eco-Friendly at Home
There’s no doubt that the planet is at a crucial stage, and scientists are worried about the human impact on the environment. With scary headlines about how areas such as the Great Barrier Reef are under threat, and many people have been spurned into action, finding ways to make their own homes eco-friendlier. This can Read More …
Is it Possible to Live a Zero-Waste Lifestyle?
With around 1.5kg of solid waste created per person each day, landfills across the world are filling up rapidly. Whether it’s plastic bottles or packaging, we’re all guilty of throwing away materials that can be recycled or re-used in some way. However, many people are now trying to buck the trend by aiming for a Read More …
8 Tips to Ensure Your Interior Design is Sustainable
With people becoming more aware of their impact on the environment, there has been a greater push towards sustainability in areas such as interior design. Like fashion, interior design often revolves around short-term trends, and buying new items for the home each season, and this can create large amounts of waste in the manufacturing, packaging, Read More …
What Are the Most Durable Countertop Materials?
Style is an important factor when choosing a kitchen. After all, it’s an important part of your home, and adding features such as your custom kitchen cabinets in Perth can make a big difference. However, kitchens also need to be built to last, and when you invest in a new kitchen, you want to know Read More …
green cabs and mousse
so recycled interiors has interviewed us and here’ s the link. it’s a bit of a read, but you’ll be rewarded with an amazing chocolate mousse recipe 🙂…/ go on, give it a read and whirl! article and recipe very rewarding
ecocabinets is mentioned on TV. check it out at 6.20′
ecocabinets gets a mention on TV. have a look at 6.20′